family · health

What Saved My Life in 2023?

As I compiled my list of things that saved my life last year, a theme emerged: wellness. I felt like everything that ended up on my list was some form of self-care. Like giving myself a big, much needed hug. 

I have been telling my ambitious six-year-old, “treat yourself like you are your best friend!” Well, I guess I took my own advice because everything on this list felt like best friend status. So of course, I have to share the love with all of you. Come along, find out what I started last year and am continuing into 2024. Some you’ll find amusing, others you might just want to try yourself!

  1. Sheet Pan Pancakes: Starting out with something really profound here guys. *snicker* But listen, my children like to eat pancakes like they are going out of style. It is not unusual for my children to eat 3 pancakes in one sitting. And can you really blame them? Nothing quite like a warm pancake to begin your day. In the summer months, I discovered that I was no longer making pancakes as often as I used to much to the disapproval of my (ravenous) children. When I thought about it, I just didn’t enjoy standing in front of the hot stove waiting for a double batch of pancakes to cook on the griddle. Enter: SHEET PAN PANCAKES. Everything you love, but infinitely faster. You make your pancake batter, place on a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and bake at 425 for 15 minutes. And this works even with my gluten, egg, and dairy free pancakes y’all. I’ve made “buttermilk” pancakes, gingerbread pancakes, overnight oatmeal pancakes and the family is here for it. I’m not sure I can ever go back to making traditional pancakes at this point because I am so spoiled by the convenience I am experiencing. Silly? Yes. Simple? Yes. Perfection!
  2. Lindywell Pilates: Last year I started to transition from my long love of yoga into doing more Pilates. I found Lindywell Pilates on YouTube and found myself doing these videos on repeat because they were so efficient and fun. For my birthday I was gifted a subscription to their app and I am not kidding when I tell you I have hardly missed a day. Even on days I am a little under the weather or haven’t had enough sleep, I still feel refreshed and energized by her Pilates routines. Some of my favorite workouts on the app are ‘Nourish & Tone’, ‘Posture & Poise’, and ‘Peace-Inducing Pilates’. These routines are kind and leave you feeling strong, but not like you can’t walk the next day which has me coming back for more every day.
  3. Marco Polo Book Club: I don’t think this app was created specifically for moms, but I think every mom should download it. It’s the perfect way to stay in touch with your friends whenever you have a free moment. One of my friends and I started our own mini book club with this app – we read a chapter of a book and discuss the chapter with each other through this app. It added so much fun to my year without the fuss of scheduling a specific time that worked for both of us.
  4. Natural Hair: Maybe it’s a millennial thing, but I started blow drying my hair as a teenager. Flip it upside down, use a round brush and end up with stick straight hair. This was my look for many, many years. Maybe bangs, maybe a streak of pink, maybe short, but always straight. Then in my twenties I added in my beloved curling wand to add waves after I had, you guessed it, blown it straight. But last year, I finally grew tired of the constant blow drying and wanted to try something different. Something more low maintenance. So I just started letting it air dry to see what happened. It was frizzy and weird and definitely not straight. And then I discovered the beloved scrunch technique through some advice from my curly haired friends, some trial and error and a few YouTube videos. Turns out if I comb my hair out and scrunch it, I’m left with beach-y waves which I have always admired on other people. I dabbled in some gels, mousses and creams, but I’ve discovered that a little spritz of water and a scrunch in the morning gives me my favorite look. Turns out I don’t have to be jealous of Sweet P’s curls, I got my own!
  5. A Pillow: I can’t take full credit for this one, that goes to my mom. She originally discovered this pillow and now I tell everyone I know. If you sleep on your side, you need this pillow. It’s not expensive and it’s cured that never ending neck ache that had me at the chiropractor more than I’d like to admit. Because of its low cost I didn’t feel like there was too much risk in trying it out and I have zero regrets. I raved about it so much that now Mr. Engineer is enjoying the same pillow!

Now I want to know what made your year brighter, easier and/or more memorable! Leave your top 5 in the comments below so we can all share in the love. Happy 2024!

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